Code Of Conduct and Disclosure Forms

High standards of honesty, integrity and impartiality by DEAC evaluators are essential to the proper performance of the accreditation process. DEAC evaluators must agree to the Code of Conduct for Evaluators prior to volunteering for DEAC.

All Commissioners, Evaluators, Subject Specialists, Consultants, Administrative Staff, Appeals Panel Members, and employees of the DEAC must:

(Note: In addition to the above, all on-site evaluators must annually read, sign and agree to abide by DEAC’s Code of Conduct for Evaluators.)

More information and electronic versions of each form are available using the list below:

DEAC Conflict of Interest Policy

Annually, each Accrediting Commissioner, Evaluator, Subject Specialist, Consultant, Administrative Staff, Appeals Panel Member, or employee of DEAC shall be provided with and asked to review a copy of this policy and to acknowledge in writing that he or she has done so. An electronic version of Conflict of Interest Policy is available to complete online.

Code of Conduct for Evaluators

In addition to the above, evaluators must annually review, sign, and agree to abide by DEAC’s Code of Conduct for Evaluators. An electronic version of the Code can be reviewed and completed online.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Before reviewing an institution, each Accrediting Commissioner, Evaluator, Subject Specialist, Consultant, Administrative Staff Member, or employee of DEAC shall complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form identifying any relationships, positions or circumstances in which s/he is involved that s/he believes could present a Conflict of Interest with that institution. An electronic version of the form can be reviewed and completed online.