The DEAC Directory of Accredited Institutions includes distance education high schools, postsecondary schools, colleges and universities. These institutions offer a variety of programs ranging from non-degree courses and programs through bachelors, masters and professional doctoral degree programs. An institution is typically evaluated for accreditation or reaccreditation by DEAC on a three or five-year cycle after an in-depth evaluation of the institution’s performance and operations against a detailed rubric of requirements. Accreditation is only granted when the institution is found to fully comply with each of the Accreditation Standards set forth in Part Three of the DEAC Accreditation Handbook. Where an institution’s status is indicated in the search results as “accredited,” “deferred” or “show cause directive,” additional information on the reason(s) for that status can be found by clicking on the institution’s name in the first column. Institutions operating under a show cause directive or a deferred decision status remain fully accredited until the underlying issues are resolved and accreditation is either granted or denied.