The DEAC publishes a list of the institutions scheduled for consideration at its next Commission meeting on its website. Accredited institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, industry members, the general public and other interested parties are invited to submit written comments pertaining to any institution included on the Commission’s list. Comments should include information that will assist the Commission in making a decision regarding the accreditation action pending for an institution. Any comments received will be forwarded to the institution, which will then have an opportunity to submit a response to those comments. The Commission is accepting comments through May 31, 2025. Please click here to use the Comment Form to submit comments. The Commission meets in January and June.
Applicants for Initial Accreditation
The following institutions have submitted applications for initial accreditation to the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. Initial applicants are publicly announced by DEAC in its publications and on the DEAC website once an applicant has completed a successful Readiness Assessment. DEAC does not have a candidacy status and advises institutions not to publicize the fact that they have applied for DEAC accreditation so that students will not be misled into enrolling based on the impression that the institution will become accredited. The following institutions have submitted applications for their initial grant of accreditation:
- Axon Education, LLC – Texas EMS School, Abilene, TX
- Contemporary Technology University, Palo Alto, CA
- Eckerd Connects Academy, Clearwater, FL
- Elmwood Institute, Oakland, CA
- Instituto Profesional Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior (IPLACEX), Santiago, Chile
- Miami Business Technological University, Doral FL
- Sura College, Scottsdale, AZ
- United International College, Miramar, FL
- UTH Florida University, Miami, FL
- Wilmette Institute, Evanston, IL
Applicants for Renewal of Accreditation
The following institutions have submitted applications for their renewal of accreditation to the Distance Education Accrediting Commission:
- American National University, Salem, VA
- Anaheim University, Anaheim, CA
- Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Development, Ames IA
- Crestpoint University, Phoenix, AZ
- Grace Communion Seminary, Charlotte, NC
- Kaho’iwai Center for Adult Teaching and Learning, Kamuela, HI
- Lakewood University, Cleveland Heights, OH
- National Paralegal College (a division of Crestpoint University), Phoenix, AZ
- Rhombus University, La Mesa, CA
- Sessions College for Professional Design, Tempe, AZ
- University of Fairfax, Salem, VA
If you have any comments concerning these institutions, please click here to submit them via the comment form.