Accreditation Fees

All fees are non-refundable and are due in full. Partial payments are not accepted.

All fees are due within 30 days of invoice unless otherwise specified. Application fees (initial, renewal, and substantive change part 1) are due at the time of submission. DEAC will not process an application until it receives the fee. DEAC will assess late fees accordingly.

All fees must be made payable to: 

ATTN: Office Administrator
1101 17th Street NW, Suite 808
Washington, DC 20036

Include a copy of the DEAC invoice and write the type of fee in the “Memo” section of the check.

Type of Fee Fee Amount
Initial Application for Accreditation
Legal Structure Review Fee
$3,000 (institution will be invoiced if applicable)
Engaging in International Activities
Application Part 1:

$1,000 per contract; $250 follow-up review

Application Part 2:

Site Visit Fee plus cost of business class travel per evaluator and DEAC Staff

1st Offsite Readiness Assessment
$4,000 (Due with submission of SER)
2nd Offsite Readiness Assessment
$5,000 (Due with submission of revised SER)
3rd Offsite Readiness Assessment
$6,000– Includes virtual on-site visit (Institution will be invoiced once the visit date is set)
In-Residence SER Companion Document
Petition Submission by Non-Accredited Institution
Site Visit

Degree & Non-Degree

$2,250 per day per evaluator for 1st day
$2,000 per additional day per evaluator


Doctoral Programs

$3,250 per day per doctoral evaluator
$3,000 per additional day per doctoral evaluator


Non-U.S. Institutions

Cost of business class travel per evaluator and DEAC staff plus fees above

Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: Non-Degree/ Vocational (i.e. Medical Billing & Coding)
$1,350 per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: Degree Program or Degree Level Certificate (i.e. MBA; Accounting Undergraduate Certificate)
$1,450 base fee plus $100 per representative course per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: Doctoral or First Professional Degree Program (i.e. Ed.D. or JD)
$2,050 base fee plus $100 per representative course per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: High School
$1,050 base fee plus $100 per representative course per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Type of Fee Fee Amount
Renewal Application for Accreditation
Engaging in International Activities
Application Part 1:

$1,000 per contract; $250 Follow-up review

Application Part 2:

Site Visit Fee plus cost of business class travel per evaluator and DEAC Staff

Site Visit

Degree & Non-Degree

$2,250 per day per evaluator for 1st day
$2,000 per additional day per evaluator


Doctoral Programs

$3,250 per day per doctoral evaluator
$3,000 per additional day per doctoral evaluator


Non-U.S. Institutions

Cost of business class travel per evaluator and DEAC staff plus fees above

Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: Non-Degree/ Vocational (i.e. Medical Billing & Coding)
$1,000 per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: Degree Program or Degree Level Certificate (i.e. MBA; Accounting Undergraduate Certificate)
$1,000 base fee plus $100 per representative course per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: Doctoral or First Professional Degree Program (i.e. Ed.D. or JD)
$1,600 base fee plus $100 per representative course per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission: High School
$1,000 base fee plus $100 per representative course per program (Institution will be invoiced)
Type of Fee Fee Amount
Change of Core Mission or Objectives


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

Change of Name


Post Approval Report

No Fee

Change in Legal Status, Form of Control, or Ownership of Institution


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

Change of Location (interstate)


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

Change of Location (intrastate)


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

New Administrative Site


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

Engaging in International Activities

$1,000 per contract; $250 for follow-up review

Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee plus cost of business class travel per evaluator and DEAC Staff

Engaging in Federal Student Assistance Title IV Programs


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

Addition of an In-Residence Program Component


Post Approval Report

Site Visit Fee

Site Visit

Degree & Non-Degree

$2,250 per day per evaluator for 1st day
$2,000 per additional day per evaluator

Doctoral Programs

$3,250 per day per doctoral evaluator
$3,000 per additional day per doctoral evaluator

Non-U.S. Institutions
Cost of business class travel per evaluator and DEAC staff plus fees above

Change in Educational Offering Application




Addition of a New Degree Program in a Related Field (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,600 base fee plus $100 per representative course
Addition of a New Related-Field Non-Degree Program or Vocational Program (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,000 per program
Addition of a New Degree Program in an Unrelated Field (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,200 base fee plus $200 per representative course
Addition of a New Program in an Unrelated-Field for a Non- Degree Program or Vocational Program (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,200 per program
Addition of a New Related-Field Doctoral or First Professional Degree (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,600 base fee plus $100 per representative course
Addition of a New Unrelated-Field Doctoral or First Professional Degree (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,800 base fee plus $200 per representative course
Addition of a Program at a Different Degree or Credential Level – Doctoral or First Professional (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,800 base fee plus $200 per representative course
Addition of a Program at a Different Degree or Credential Level
$1,200 base fee plus $200 per representative course
Addition of a New High School Program (Submission of Educational Offerings Report + Supporting Documentation)
$1,000 base fee plus $100 per representative course
Change in Academic Units of Measurement
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission Fee Applies
Change in Method of Delivery
Educational Offerings Report Form Submission Fee Applies
Contracting for Educational Delivery
Response to Subject Specialist Report(Follow-up Subject Specialist Review)



$600 – $1,000

Doctoral/First Professional

$800 – $1,200

New Division


Post Approval Report

Varies depending on the significance of the change

Type of Fee Fee Amount
Create a certificate program using approved courses
$1,000 per program
Add course similar to existing educational offerings
$100 per course
Division Identity
$500 per division
Revisions to existing program
$350 per program
Add specialization/emphasis/concentration to existing program using approved courses
$500 per specialization/ emphasis/ concentration
General Education Revisions (to include integrating general education outcomes into core curriculum)
$1,000 per program
Type of Fee Fee Amount
Cancellation of Site Visit
$500 in addition to expenses incurred
Textbook/ Kit Submission Reorganization or Repackaging
$300 per program
Annual Dues and Fees
See “DEAC Annual Dues and Fees”
Appeals Fee
Arbitration Fee
Type of Fee Fee Amount
Late Submission of Curriculum
$150 per program per day
Late Submission of Application for Renewal of Accreditation
$500 per day
Late Submission of SER for any scheduled site visit
$500 per day
Late Submission of Institutional Response to Chair’s Report
$500 per day
Late Submission of Annual Report